Taking the Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) Exam

In late 2010, I first heard about Bitcoin. I was introduced to this concept from a friend who was heavily into online video games and the customization of accessories that these games provided. After sifting through all the nerdy exuberance, I was able to discern that this “currency” was designed to be scarce (only 21 million coins will ever be created), decentralized (not having one overseer/government controller, and thus no single point of failure), somewhat anonymous (wallets are only associated with a person when traced and used), and transmissible anywhere in the world that can get an internet connection. At the time, I was into buying gold and silver coins as an alternative investment, and liked the idea of built in scarcity.

Unfortunately I got lost in the complex ways of obtaining a bitcoin, and other interests in life pulled my attention away. Fast forward to February 2018, I had purchased my first bitcoins in 2014 and got more well versed in the technology and implications to our society over the last 4 years. I helped others make purchases and get educated about Blockchain technology along the way, I finally decided to put it to the test and see how much about this space I really knew.

Enter The Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) is an online certification that confirms the users knowledge about the Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin transactions, and how the Bitcoin network operates. Holders of a CBP are able to apply Bitcoin technology to their professional area of expertise and understand the privacy aspects, double spending issues and other issues that relate to the currency. The common body of knowledge for the CBP covers several areas: A History of money and Ledger-Based economics, basic cryptography, Bitcoin Basics (BTC Transactions/Ledger/Network/Community), Mining, Wallets, BTC clients, Public/Private Key management, and Bitcoin commerce.

The CBP is moderated by the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (also known as C4) in Denver, CO. The main reason I chose this governing body to get my certification is that Andreas Antonopoulous serves on their Board of Directors, and Antonopoulous has been instrumental in understanding Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies to me and thousands of others. His explanations of “Banking the Unbanked” and the implications to the world economy are mind staggering!! In the United States and other “First World” countries we have a plethora of options and stable economies which give us much trust in the consistency of earning and storing wealth. With an expanding global cellular network and access to the internet, Bitcoin and Blockchain technology is giving the other 4 billion people in the world the ability to save and participate in the global economy. All of this being done in a censorship resistant and permissionless digital space! I highly recommend this video from 2017: https://youtu.be/T2zH-T_hmLs